


about ap 22:35 (ap#1)

ap [martin howse and jonathan kemp] - software and situations

ap operates within the fields of discourse, speculative hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the situational (performances and interventions).

the digital made physical, audible, visible through geological computing and complex systems

recoding data processing algorithms on the fly, ap transform the performance space into an open laboratory

heavily improvised, playing with the collapse of massed, barely functional salvaged equipment and software systems made manifest in sound/noise and image, ap present a complex, process-driven constructivist performance; the symphonic rise of the attempt to piece together fugal systematics is played out against the noise of collapse and machine crash at the deserted border of control.

ap have recently performed using custom code (ap0202/gdapp) and hardware (computer controlled decks) in bergen, london, bilbao, los angeles, santa fe, glasgow, norway

gdapp 22:13 (gdapp#1)

marks a transition. point before fusing artistic OS/ fm01 film machine

intensely nodal, modular, environmental, self-referencing system

building on ap02 but extending and multiplying this model/ dissecting it also into nodal/ geologic strata model

globular/dynamic changing node structure of connections, of flow and instructions -- total environment, an operating system which dynamically re-codes itself, is recoded in operation

layers of abstraction as environment: base layer which mobile, almost viral code nodes sit upon and an open exchange as opposed to protective OS model. gdapp codes promiscuity and open discovery rather than static upload/download or I/O structuring

gdapp codes through a nodal model: nodes run/write code/data, nodes run other nodes, nodes link other nodes, nodes reflect macro linkages or embed code and linkages within neural model of linkage excitation

node= instruction/data/memory set of codes (macro) full node space contained (networked) linkage/strength of a pathway migrating network nodes operate on vm (virtual machine) bed

nodes describe and use a new language

language independent

language embedded in nodes

scene above/below description language

and language describing nodes and connections for low/high level procedural nodes

screenshots/video and further documentation to follow::


gdapp 22:11 (gdapp#1)

marks a transition. point before fusing artistic OS/ fm01 film machine

intensely nodal, modular, environmental, self-referencing system

building on ap02 but extending and multiplying this model/ dissecting it also into nodal/ geologic strata model

globular/dynamic changing node structure of connections, of flow and instructions -- total environment, an operating system which dynamically re-codes itself, is recoded in operation

layers of abstraction as environment: base layer which mobile, almost viral code nodes sit upon and an open exchange as opposed to protective OS model. gdapp codes promiscuity and open discovery rather than static upload/download or I/O structuring

gdapp codes through a nodal model: nodes run/write code/data, nodes run other nodes, nodes link other nodes, nodes reflect macro linkages or embed code and linkages within neural model of linkage excitation

node= instruction/data/memory set of codes (macro) full node space contained (networked) linkage/strength of a pathway migrating network nodes operate on vm (virtual machine) bed

nodes describe and use a new language

language independent

language embedded in nodes

scene above/below description language

and language describing nodes and connections for low/high level procedural nodes

screenshots/video and further documentation to follow::


software 21:57 (software#1)

mail 21:55 (mail#1)

x -at- 1010.co.uk

announce 21:54 (announce#1)

forthcoming events/activities:

art-action paris 23 november 2005: http://www.art-action.org/en_index.htm

xxxxx london 24 march 2006: http://xxxxx.1010.co.uk

ap0203 21:53 (ap0203#1)

bookmarks (older) -> to be updated 21:38 (bookmarks#1)


ap01 21:37 (ap01#1)

live CD 21:37 (livecd#1)


published articles 21:36 (articles#1)

technical notes 21:35 (tech_notes#1)

custom hardware 21:35 (custom_hardware#1)

ap0202 21:34 (ap0202#1)

software 21:33 (promiscuOS#2)

archive images 21:32 (archive_images#1)

archive presentations 21:32 (archive_presentations#1)

archive recordings 21:31 (archive_recordings#1)

PromiscuOS 21:28 (promiscuOS#1)

1] "Then, on February 5th, the author of bliss, apparently a nice guy concerned that an earlier alpha version of his code (which was posted on September 29, 1996 to comp.security.unix, alt.comp.virus and comp.os.linux.misc) could still be in use, posted version 0.4.0 to the widely read Usenet newsgroup comp.security.unix, complete with ample warnings and the prospect of a future (GPL'ed?) source code release."

Axel Boldt. Bliss, A Linux "virus." online 2000

2] "ITS, in contrast, had a command whose specific function was crashing the system. All you had to do was type KILL SYSTEM, and the PDP-6 would grind to a halt. The idea was to take all the fun away from crashing the system by making it trivial to do that. On rare occasions, some loser would look at the available commands and say, "Wonder what KILL does?" and bring the system down, but by and large ITS proved that the best security was no security at all."

Steven Levy. Hackers. Penguin 1984

3] "... I judge computer security a disease rather than a cure, except for banks and such."

Richard Stallman. Computers Under Attack [Denning] 1990

PromiscuOS concerns non-functional artistic generation at socially-implied levels of code and production, favouring promiscuous, leaky code and data over security and division by function or task. The PromiscuOS project proposes the modification and re-distribution of an already existing GNU/Linux operating system with attendant functional applications. Such a modification will operate to remove security, segmentation and objectification (by way of category and filesystem) from all levels of the system (network and application) in favour of the generation, distribution and execution of mobile promiscuous code across all instances of the system. It is proposed that users would dual-boot such a system alongside the original (or close distribution), thus PromiscuOS offers a flip-side to the functional and divisive qualities of the original in favour of open promiscuity for the production of artistic computation. The PromiscuOS project engages with the open source development model of an existing operating system, rewriting core code of that system to divert towards the dysfunctional. At the same time PromiscuOS will be floated as a typical, though very well publicised open source project, attracting by way of Slashdot and the like a community of developers who can advance the system away from the divisive at kernel and application levels. The PromiscuOS project will offer all the usual trappings of such an effort, from mailing lists, through version control and both Sourceforge and Savannah repositories. PromiscuOS offers the exposure of an open source development model within the context of an artistic and supremely non-functional project.

PromiscuOS will exhibit the following characteristics amongst others.

a) Networked and environmentally active self display. Generation of code and data rather than response to input.

b) All process memory is readable and writable by any process or user. There is no hierarchy, no model of secure computing. Self display code will exploit this feature.

c) The ability to generate, disperse and run mobile code between machines.

d) Supreme pluggability - small apps can plug themselves together within a Unix model or a la Pd (but not in such graphic manner).

e) In relation to pluggability leaky streams rather than static segregated files - advance Unix model with new command line operations (spray, leak with level options specified).

The development model consists of publicity attracting community coders within a readily available infrastructure comprising content management, version control (of a fashionable variant such as darcs). The social nature of the project should be highlighted in relation to the crash event of February 11th 2004 curated by ap; both existing as discursive, social and code-based projects exploring highly production driven nature of operating systems within the expanded realm or economy of resource management.


removal of segmentation in networked and application layers [storage and execution] of an already ed memory management:

inserted notes:

1) working on crash issues/questions and perhaps towards promiscuous OS / promiscuous GNU/Linux project which features:

a) no access control b) promiscuous net I/O and attachment to all I/ in sbcl:


which is one of files changed by Lazy-sbcl.diff:

from peter van eynd: http://pvaneynd.blogspot.com

"The patch is at the wrong place (linux-os.c) because there is no abstraction layer for 'get


ap0201 desert devices installed april 2004 near hinckley, ca, usa 20:18 (ap0201#1)

first prize VIDA 8.0

images ap0201devices.mov

california/2004 technical log:: 2004

california/2004 blog:: 2004

recent hardware notes

final c code for ccs compiler installation gps drawing circuit diagram test asm

v2_lab technical notes 2002


physical self-display devices are devices which communicate ever changing operational codes based on external environmental data. these self-powering tiny devices are scattered throughout any environment and do not transmit or relay in any manner useful sensory data to any observer. they can only be experienced within the (often remote) situation in which they are placed. the self-reliant operational characteristics of these devices engender open-ness and expansion in any situation.

the devices are solar powered and have been designed to operate for a minimum of three years within harsh environments. over this time period the devices modify their own instruction code, the program they are running, in response to environmental changes. fragments of code are audibly communicated between devices which can incorporate and make use of this new code (now replaced with RF). each device displays on LCD a segment of its operational code. through self display and communication these devices are integrated into the environment. ap0201 devices installed in mojave, california in april 2004

an important aspect of the ap0201 project is the design of a highly modular, usable solar powered, small platform for further artistic work making use of slow-time-based computations in remote and difficult environments.

ap0201 was co-developed with v2_lab, rotterdam [stock-hardware, anne-co-ordination] and is currently funded for deployment by the arts council of england and kindly supported by clui

early prototypes:

images showing 3 modules (main computational, charging and power management, I/0)::

fm01:: 20:10 (fm01#1)

[[http://onezero.mine.nu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?action=index][cliki -> transposed here soon]

fm transposes non-metaphoric systems and grammar theory (of computer languages, abstraction and data containers) to the realm of expanded cinema. the base proposal concerns the development of a scripting language, data structures, and suitable filesystem for the automated production and grammatical expression of endless cinema.

:: fm01 discursive framework (kind of)

this proposal examines a new discursive space which has been exposed by radical software art through the heuristic possibilities opened up by software abstraction: conceptualisations/conditions of coding practice (languages, models, environment) extruded along the fault-line of user/programmer notion collapse.

we propose to examine this new space through the example of ap's fm01 project: an attempt towards endless cinema which asks the radical question of how data can be represented for the machinic without the supervenience of meta-data or the demand for the purely functional impacting on abstraction.

our proposal thus centres around the domains of:

1) new operational zones created by post-humanist ontologies 2) the specific exposition of a radical space for code art and its

subthemes in relation to these two domains are:

a) the decoding and recoding of data under non species dependent symbolic orders b) the form space of code and environment and its autopoeitic engineering

in presenting the fm01 project, there is an underlying assumption that the audience is familiar with some current issues and practices in contemporary software art/cultural practice including digitally expanded cinema. a general synopsis of current paradigmatic thought around issues specifically of digital cinema may be found in Peter Weibel/Jeffrey Shaw's accompanying book for ZKM's 2002/3 Future Cinema exhibition 1, where they write that, for example, "the biggest challenge for the digitally extended cinema is the conception and design of new narrative techniques that allow the interactive and emergent features of that medium to be fufillingly embodied", and outline three overlapping areas of recent praxis:

1) modular structures of narrative content which allow indeterminate numbers of permutations or parallelisms (eg Lev Manovich's "soft cinema"; Jon Jost; Eija- Lisa Atthila; Raymond Tomin's AVRA software; Jennifer + Kevin McCoy; Marc Lafia's Max/Msp based "variable montage")

2) algorithmic generation of narrative/mnemonic sequences/markers that could be modulated by the user (eg. Martin Reinhart + Virgil Widrich's "tx transform"; Marnix de Nijs "run, motherfucker, run!"; the work of George Legrady)

3) digitally extended cinema inhabited by audience who become immersed agents and protagonists in its narrative development (eg. Jeffrey Shaw; Michael Naimark; Margarete Jahrmann + Max Mosswitzer's "nybble-engine-toolz")

Outline of fm01:

Future Cinema was cast as a show where "the medium is the message" yet was situated in the familiar terrain of the hegemony of the species, the subjugation of machinic cinema embodiments to the plateau of pure reason, and the enslavement of technology to an ontology of relational functionalism

fm01 is an attempt within this context to offer a total software environment for the semi-automated production, scripting and editing of endless cinema outside the humanist realm of meta-data. fm01 is not conceived as an editing engine for the manipulation of generic clips (in an expanding database of all possible scenes categorised according to a huge number of elements and relations) but rather offers an enmeshing within script, data streams and environment

fm01 rather transposes non-metaphoric systems and grammar theory (of computer languages, abstraction and data containers) to the realm of expanded cinema. a relational, nodal language of connection will be formulated to descend through levels of scene, shot and frame (stored and to be shot.

fm01 is a large-scale project which builds on previous ap research and process to push the envelope of what can be achieved in terms of computer languages and data visualisation

code art brutalism 20:07 (codeartbrutalism#1)


ap0204 for year01 20:05 (ap0204#1)

[from ap] ap0204 [a port of ap02 code] dynamically generates 1000 HTML pages using environment (WWW) as code

directory of 1000 pages. source code

ap0204 is a web-based front-end to the ap02 environmental code virtual machine architecture (implemented as free/open source software) opening up the ap02 environmental code model to a web environment and offering net-based self-display. ap0204 instantiates mobile, almost viral code nodes which invoke open exchange as opposed to protective/security-based OS model and/or I/O dependencies. rhe project, where the content of the work is the description of its system, is promiscuous, distributed and concerned with open discovery. for code exhibit ap0204 is implemented within a small network of ap02 servers which use as environment the filesystem of the local server, the network of servers themselves and the wider net. ap0204 will run on the servers, allowing for display of the cell-constructed changing sites (with a limit of 1000 pages) produced by the virtual machine impacting with this environment as code. ap0204 provides for access to this environment through an enriched instruction set which allows for cells themselves to choose addresses to access for data (to be transformed into code). further instructions allow for output as image-rich, linked web site.

crash again 20:00 (crash#2)


crash 19:51 (crash#1)

crash event feb 11th 2005



xxxxx 19:47 (xxxxx#1)

xxxxx event march 24 2005 ica london

xxxxx substance and software xxxxx final revelations for a holographic binding OS [VALIS] xxxxx melancholia [auto] destruction and fascism xxxxx supreme abstraction + machinic representation xxxxx the computational revolution in art xxxxx contemporary monadology xxxxx the executable's song crash the game of life and los alamos trinity site


new site using emacs-wiki-mode and planner-mode 19:33 (welcome#1)
